The Company

Sudarshan Group, with more than 40 years of operational experience gives the highest priority to delivering excellent quality and high purity of mineral resources. Our fully integrated infrastructure works full-fledged in Udaipur.
Furthermore, our continuous endeavors towards attaining utmost client satisfaction with our ethical business practices and transparent dealing made us achieve a position in the top-notch companies in India.
Sudarshan Mineral’s operations comprise manufacturing, exporting, and supplying Industrial Minerals and Chemicals(Talcum powder, Calcium Carbonate Powder, China Clay Powder, Dolomite powder, Sodium Silicate, Soda Ash) at our designated manufacturing units across India.
With our 50,000 square meters spread infrastructure, a highly proficient workforce, and or quality-driven approach, we are working diligently to achieve our Mission, Vision, and Goals.
Years of Industrial Experience

Message From Chairman

Over the last 40 years, I have seen Sudarshan Minerals transform into a top-notch company. Sudarshan Group is committed to embedding responsible mining practices into manufacturing quality-rich products. Our focus is entirely on adhering to ethical and efficient mining and business practices so that we can cultivate a more transparent relationship with our clients.
Sudarshan Group is proud to be contributing to the mining industry with quality-rich minerals and chemical supplies by joining hands with the latest technology. Our vision to be a major mining industry in India is what drives us and leads us closer to our goal. Furthermore, we understand that the environment is a precious commodity and is the one that has to be looked upon carefully; and so Sudarshan is committed to the reduction, re-use, and recycling of waste. This practice resultantly minimizes final disposal and promotes natural resources. I thank all our hard-working workforce and our beloved partners and clientele, for helping us achieve what we are today! After all, the mingle of hard work, singular dream, and dedication gets us the success.
Most Sincerely,
MR. R.P. Gupta
Chairman Sudarshan Group
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We make it a priority to act as a responsible mining company, from our management practices for our health and safety standards to our stewardship of the environment. We understand that our business activities affect the people who work in our operations, their environment, and on their communities. Our growth and success as a company depend on the long-term economic, social and environmental sustainability of each of the communities in which we work and live.
We are committed to strictly enforcing a policy of not employing underage workers. Therefore the minimum age of our employees & workers is 21 yrs. To ensure that communities benefit from our activities, we make significant contributions to local social and economic growth. We run support and development programs ranging from infrastructure initiatives to local educational facilities improvements, community medical and blood donation & eye comps programs.
Our Charitable Trust in the name of SARASWATI DEVI JUGAL KISHORE provides free dialysis to poor patients and donates to Dialysis Machines. We always strive to demonstrate our respect for local cultural and environmental values.

Health & Safety

Our people - both employees and contractors - are our greatest asset and the core of our success. We depend on skilled, hard-working, and empowered people, and in return, we seek to maintain a safety-first culture in which everyone is motivated to do the right thing to keep themselves and their colleagues healthy and i°iury-free. while mining is regarded as a hazardous industry, safety procedures, and site
standards help to ensure that tasks and work practices are performed in a safe manner with minimal risk. All employees are trained by on safety procedures and the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as applicable to their ¡ob function. Training programs, safe work procedures, site housekeeping, and operational standards are enforced, to improve workplace safely and minimize risk to people and equipment. At every operation, we maintain highly trained, well-equipped emergency response teams, with specialized skills in such areas as advanced first aid, vehicle rescue, fire fighting, and chemical spills and recovery. We con boost our safe record: Zero(0) accidents in the post-year & Zero(0) in the last 5 years.

Our Environment

We are committed to preserving the long-term health and viability of the natural environment affected by our operations by using resources efficiently, applying a precautionary, proactive risk-management approach to safeguarding the environment, and preventing or mitigating the impacts of environmental incidents. Working with the appropriate government* agencies, partners, and key stakeholders, we ensure that our activities meet or exceed legal requirements and societal expectations.
We continuously Iy seek new strategies for enhancing our environmental performance, including programs to improve the minimization of waste. At every stage of the mining life cycle, we apply best practices in environmental management.
From the earliest site investigations, we carry out comprehensive environmental studies to establish baseline measurements for flora, fauna, land, air, and water. During operations, we do not generate any chemical effluent. Toxic Solvents are used in the process. Our adequate dust extraction system is in place. After mining activities are complete, our objective is to restore the land to on an adequate level of productivity and to support sustainable land use.

We aspire to become the world’s largest and most-admired Mineral & Chemical Supplies company by delivering quality-rich Talcum powder, Calcite Powder, Calcium Carbonate, Dolomite, China Clay, Industrial Salts, and many more. Currently, we have a client base of ____ and 500,000 tonnes of Annual production.
Our mission is to enhance the client experience through exploration, innovation, operational experience, sustainability, and prime quality products. We have a mission to maintain market leadership and customer delight through our continuous growth, valuable product range, and seamless service.
Our primary focus is delivering the value of the highest standard to our clientele. We are constantly motivated to improve our industry practices, costing, and achieve a new benchmark in the quality and purity of products.